Offer versioning.
Not all customers get the same exact offer, so with CoverGo, you can create different versions of your proposals to meet each unique customer case.

Creating proposals with CoverGo is a fully configurable exerience that leverages your product's data model to generate and populate your proposals automatically, leaving only the basic information for your users to fill.
Not all customers get the same exact offer, so with CoverGo, you can create different versions of your proposals to meet each unique customer case.
Set up your application process in order to fine-tune the policy-level terms that ultimately impact the final price. Add or remove steps as necessary, drop in additional coverage, set pro-rata options, and more.
Bulk-add members to group health policies with a simple excel template uploaed right into the proposal making process.
CoverGo connects directly with your payment gateway for an out-of-the-box financial postings experience.
Once your policy is ready to be issued, CoverGo will generate documents using data collected from the proposal and your specific customer. We support email, PDF, and SMS delivery.
CoverGo checks your policy before it goes out, halting your users when there is missing information, ensuring a clean policy issuance process.