Claims Processing

CoverGo's data-driven and automated claims management system ensures profitable and cost-efficient business operations.

Claims detailing.

View all GOP and Claims status, filter claims, and zoom in to view claim and settlement details.

Claims management.

Users can create, duplicate, edit, or delete claims individually or in batches.

Task handling.

Users can assign tasks to claims handlers, or excalate claims higher up your organization.

Claims adjudication.

CoverGo automatically handles claims adjudication based on your member’s product.

Remaining balance calculation.

When entering data, remaining balance calculations are executed on the fly.

Required document checks.

CoverGo will notify your clients when documents are missing upon the creation of claims.

Inline user requests.

Users have access to all information related to their claims in one screen. Users can send requests to external stakeholders without leaving the platform.

Document & claims history.

Find all document and claims history for each member in your database.

CoverGo launches next-gen AI-powered health claims management platform